Join Coriole's wine club, the Coriole Collective, to receive 3 deliveries of a mixed dozen each year!
Collective members can look forward to a special selection from our Estate Range, New Australian Collection and Reserve Range, including the classics, some old favourites, a few new and interesting varieties plus some small batch exclusives.
You are assured the best prices on all deliveries and will be generously looked after (up to 30% discount).
You'll also receive 15% off any other purchases throughout the year!
Deliveries in March, July and November
To sign up, or for more information on the Coriole wine club options, contact us via email at [email protected] or by phone (08) 8323 8305.
Please note:
No cancellation accepted within first 12 months of sign up.
Coriole Collective membership is available within Australia only.